
Retirement Planning

Cole Asset Management’s approach to retirement planning is designed to find answers to the key questions we all have in order to be able to retire with confidence. These questions include:

  • Have you optimized your social security benefits and considered restricted applications or file and suspend strategies?
  • How should you elect to take your company pension?
  • How do you plan on minimizing taxes in retirement?
  • How have you accounted for the effects of inflation on your retirement?
  • Do you know how much investment risk you are taking now?
  • Do you know how much investment risk you need to take in order to have the retirement you want?
  • Do you know what rate of return you need in order to retire the way you want?

Our advisors’ education and experience allow Cole Asset Management to bring a high level of expertise and coordination to your financial life. If you don’t have the time, interest, and resources to effectively coordinate your ideal retirement plan, you owe it to yourself to see how Cole Asset Management can help you avoid unneeded risks, pay less in taxes, and have a more enjoyable retirement.

If you would like to learn more about our coordinated approach to retirement, view Cole Asset Management’s Retirement Advantage Brochure below. Inside you will learn about the five secrets of a successful retirement. If you would like to find out how these secrets can be applied to your retirement, please give us a call to set up a no obligation appointment.